Friday, 27 December 2013

How To Reduce Weight the Easy Way

The contemporary lifestyle and eating habits have made obesity a common problem. The causes of that stubborn belly fat and love handles are interwoven in our daily routine. We blame the adulterated food products available, stress at work, lack of time to fix proper meals, and even heredity. Hence, we blame everything in short; everything but ourselves. The daily resolutions of eating better and living healthier are discarded like a lost thought, but everything apart from us is to be blamed for it. Some belong to the other strata; they starve themselves in the hope that it would make a difference, and then get annoyed shortly due to the lack of results. They tend to land back harder on their previous routine, thus, gaining more weight than they would have lost.

So if you lie in either of the categories and are wondering that how to reduce weight, then these basic changes may help you.

Reduce Weight in a Easy Way

Never Say Never

Never say no to sweets, chocolates, ghee, butter, parathas and all that yum-yum! stuff that you love to savor upon; instead limit the consumption. You could eat that once a week and switch to fruit salad the next day to balance out the carbs and to lose belly fat. A complete reluctance from these would make your body highly sensitive to them and hence you may end up gaining more Pounds; unless you intend to leave these completely for a lifetime.

Get on the Dance Floor

Dance like crazy. Well if you can enjoy yourself and lose belly fat together, then why not. Close your room tune in loud and dance like crazy for 1 hour daily.

Gulp It All Down

Focus on the liquids, water, soups, juices, drink it all. Remember 7ltrs. Of liquid should reach your body per day. Moreover the age-old remedy of hot water+lemon juice+honey if taken first thing in the morning can actually melt it down round your waist.

Well this was how to reduce weight and I am sure it would help you move towards a thinner, healthier self.

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