Thursday, 10 July 2014

Ways to feed the skin naturally

Wouldn’t it be great if all the ladies had complexions that looked as flawless, without a speck, as those porcelain dolls all decked up to perfection in the best of attire with the best complexion and glow that is the envy of all and pride of none? Options are available to enhance beauty, but natural always takes the trophy with me.

After completion of hair styling, wellness, nutrition essentials and beauty school from a few reputable institutes, I have been with innumerable clients throughout my life as a beauty professional and there are times I have had the urge to advice clients that beauty is skin deep. While working on the external aspects can give out a look that is appealing, it is but temporary.

beauty school

If one is to really benefit in the long run, combining beauty essentials like the usual threading, waxing, facial, scrubs, hair spa and so forth with wellness therapies and massages, as one would learn  course in nutrition, and adding a structured diet chart to the daily skincare and hair care regime can do wonders to treat ailments hidden within. The resultant effect is always seen to be positive with a body that is healthy and a skin and hair that shines with life.

Other home-based natural beauty enhancement tips I usually offer to clients are as such.

A glowing skin says a million words, unspoken – coconut milk derived from raw grated coconut applied on the face, lips and neck lends a natural glow.

Cleaning the skin helps unblock pores – use raw milk (not boiled) soaked cotton to wipe your face and neck area. This removes dirt, dust and grime that enters the pores and clog them causing pimples and acne.

Moisturising the skin keeps it supple and soft – Use a teaspoon of orange juice, curd and a little lime juice and apply it on the face. Leave it for a few minutes until dry and rinse off. This locks in moisture and leaves the skin hydrated all day long. To nourish the skin further, mix almond and urad daal paste and apply it as a face mask. Leave it on until it dries up and rinse off.

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